We Need to Show Up for LGBTQIA+ Youth in the Foster Care System
{ Written by Krissie Shaw & Lili Barkow, CASA Project Worcester County}
The experiences of youth in the foster care system are complex. Growing up in unknown circumstances often including home removal, lack of permanency, increased odds of abuse and/or trauma, and extreme vulnerability, youth in the child welfare system are often forced to rely heavily on themselves prematurely and become far too familiar with instability and distrust. Data has shown time and again that foster youth are more likely to experience mental health challenges, homelessness, suicidal ideation and attempts, substance use disorder, and discrimination.
CASA Project Worcester County exists to serve foster youth in our region through court-based advocacy for their best interests, amplifying their voices, and providing support as they navigate the challenging journey of displacement. The youth on our cases are diverse, like our greater community; their individual needs are varied and often not adequately met. Unfortunately, the experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth in the system are particularly disregarded and unaddressed.
Having both personally experienced the struggle of questioning our identities, sexuality, and where we “belong” when we were young–but also with the privilege of secure homes–we can not fathom what it is like for the youth in the foster care system going through that internal process. Although these youth are placed in stable settings, whether it’s a group or foster home, in most cases their caregivers are strangers. We had our biological parents, who we have known our entire lives and raised and protected us; yet we still had the fear of rejection, disapproval, and the possibility of them choosing to disown or estrange us. When we were each 20 years old– notably two years older than the age that the state deems youth in foster care “adults”–we finally felt confident enough to be true to ourselves by coming out to our families.
The shortcomings in our child welfare system create significant barriers for LGBTQIA+ youth in foster care. Not only are these failures ongoing and critical, they are often swept under the rug. The lack of urgency and resources to determine how our systems can better support LGBTQIA+ youth means that the unique needs and obstacles they experience are overlooked. The feelings of isolation that these young people in foster care face are exacerbated due to the neglect of the systems that are supposed to stand up and advocate for them.
In 2019, The Williams Institute at UCLA conducted one of the only inclusive studies examining the barriers and experiences of youth in foster care who also identify as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Their findings were consistent with our concerns. The child welfare system, which is responsible for protecting the lives of vulnerable youth, has failed to protect their needs and livelihoods. Research from UCLA revealed that 56% of LGBTQIA+ foster youth felt safer living on the streets than they did in their foster care placement. The systems in control of these young lives are neglecting their personal needs and refusing to acknowledge that there is an entire subpopulation that deserves visibility and specialized support.
Through the third quarter of this year alone, CASA Project Worcester County was appointed to 92 new cases through our local Juvenile Courts, resulting in 144 children added to our caseload. If we draw from the 2019 Williams Institute study stating that a reasonable estimate of the percentage of LGBTQIA+ foster youth ranges from 10% to 30% nationwide, we could infer that up to 43 of those youth will grapple with their sexual identity. Fortunately, these particular youth have been appointed a CASA, a Court Appointed Special Advocate, a compassionate individual who will be there for them and provide someone trusted to talk to, ask questions, and have a familiar face in their corner.
Intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberle Crenshaw, explains that any given individual will experience cultural and societal norms and biases differently based on their unique identities and how those identities intersect to form a separate experience. For example, Black LGBTQIA+ individuals experience racial and sexual discrimination that is specific to their experience which differs from what Black heterosexual or white LGBTQIA+ individuals will experience.
It is critical that we examine the experiences of LGBTQIA+ foster youth through this lens. While it is generally acknowledged that youth in the foster care system are underserved, what is not widely discussed is that these same youth who also identify as LGBTQIA+ have specific needs and experiences that are separate and different from the overall needs of heterosexual foster youth. This creates further marginalization for this population.
Among CASA’s hundreds of court appointments, we can conclude that about a quarter of these cases may include youth who identify within the LGBTQIA+ community or who are questioning their gender and/or sexual identity. As leaders and advocates within the child welfare system, we recognize that it is our shared responsibility to ensure that these children and teens feel heard and accepted and that their needs are holistically met. CASA is grateful to have a team of staff and volunteer advocates dedicated to understanding the individual needs of the youth they work with.
When training our volunteer advocates, out of the 30 hours initially required, three are dedicated to cultural competency training. This curriculum requires advocates to step outside of their comfort zone and engage in challenging conversations about how we can empathize with the youth we serve. This training openly discusses barriers that are specific to LGBTQIA+ youth in foster care and offers new information to those who are unfamiliar with the appropriate language for these conversations. Our volunteer advocates are at the center of our mission and it is CASA’s job to empower and equip them to maximize the effectiveness of their role on behalf of vulnerable youth whose voices are often suppressed or ignored.
One of the children we serve, while navigating their gender identity, has identified with several sets of pronouns and gender-affirming labels. The CASA volunteer assigned to this case has taken the time to understand their challenges and continues to advocate for them, strongly suggesting trauma therapy for the youth, as well as having support within the LGBTQIA+ community, to help them better understand themselves. There have been multiple people involved in this case, including attorneys, who have noted and complimented the investment that this advocate continues to provide on this case, specifically as it relates to championing this youth’s journey. This is just one of many examples of the positive impact that a CASA advocate can have on children who are involved in the foster care system. There are many more stories like this one, and many more foster youth, including those in the LGBTQIA+ community that can benefit from our support.
As an organization, we are calling for all of our fellow allies, community organizations, and government leaders, to join us in reexamining how we evaluate and address the needs within the child welfare system. Together, we can change the data for Central MA foster youth. More importantly, we can improve long-term outcomes–sometimes simply by being a safe and compassionate person who affirms and cares about them exactly as they are.
Learn more about our mission, work, and ways to get involved or partner at www.thecasaproject.org. We accept applications for new CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers on a rolling basis. You can apply any time through our website (navigate to the Volunteer page). We also have several task-force style committees that focus and advise on specific topics and projects. However, volunteering isn’t the only way for you to support our work.
We have several upcoming events and campaigns around Worcester County and you are invited!
You can gift HOPE for the holidays by supporting our 2024 Holiday Drive! We will be accepting donations from our custom Wishlist. Gift cards and monetary donations are also accepted.
From Nov. 1 - Jan. 31, Tito’s Handmade Vodka has pledged up to $12,500 for our third annual Cocktails for CASA campaign. Partner bars and restaurants will sell a Tito’s cocktail of their choice to fulfill a pledge of $1 per drink. If you or anyone you know has a bar or restaurant that would like to be included, please contact us at communications@thecasaproject.org.
On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Volturno Pizza will be hosting a corzetti pasta-making master class by Chef Dimas to benefit CASA. These events always sell out quickly so we recommend purchasing tickets soon. Head to our events page for more information. Throughout the month of December, Greater Good Imperial Brewing Company will donate $1 per draught pour each Thursday to CASA as part of their Acts of Greater Good initiative. Stay tuned for exciting events in the taproom on Thursdays in December!
Registration is LIVE for the second annual Santa Crawl, hosted by the Shrewsbury Street Italian Heritage Parade, benefitting CASA! This festive event will venture through the Canal District in Worcester on the afternoon of Saturday, Dec. 14. Visit our events page to register.
CASA Project Worcester County hosted our 6th annual signature Champions for Children celebration at the Top of the Tower in downtown Worcester on Thursday, Sept. 12. The event has previously been awarded the titles of “Best Nonprofit Fundraising Event” and “Best Local Event” by the community. We are humbled and honored that this year’s event was a third consecutive record-breaking event, this time bringing in over $150,000! We hope to see you or your business represented at our 7th annual celebration in 2025.